Instant-HPW Original Sugar Glider Food

$12.49 $11.95

Exotic Nutrition's Instant-HPW Original (Vanilla Bean flavor) was formulated to be a nutritious diet for pet sugar gliders. Wholesome natural ingredients such as eggs, honey, and whey protein are blended with essential vitamins and minerals into an easy-to-mix powder. Simply add water, mix, and offer to your pet. Instant-HPW contains the recommended nutrition necessary for proper growth and development of pet sugar gliders.

  • Nutritious diet for pet sugar gliders, with delicious vanilla bean.
  • Mix with water for a quick and easy fresh diet.
  • Yucca extract acts as a natural pet deodorizer.
  • Serve fresh or freeze into individual servings.
  • 100% Made in the USA at a USDA registered facility.

Feeding Instructions: Offer approximately ½ tbsp of Instant-HPW (blended) along with 1 tbsp nutritional pellet such as Glider Complete or kibble such as Glider Essentials and 1 tbsp of Garden Fresh Re-Hydrate fruits & veggies (per glider each day). .

8 oz

Customer Reviews

Based on 76 reviews

My suggies love it. - Molly P.


As a past breeder, the main source of Vitamins & Minerals for all of my gliders & joeys is Instant HPW. I have been using it for over 15 years and I trust nothing else to keep my gliders healthy & happy. I also make it a condition when I home a new Joey that the new owners have a supply of Instant HPW on hand, or I will not let them take it. It is that essential. -John K.


My sugar babies love this!!!! - Ashley G


Rascal loves it!!!! Skittles doesn't really care for it but he's picky lol. - Angela L.

[Response from Seller: Thank you for your review. We’re sorry to hear that Skittles isn't eating the HPW as expected. Possibly trying different flavors will satisfy Skittles appetite! However, if you'd like tips on introducing this new food to your gliders, please reach out to our friendly customer service team using the link at the bottom of the website for assistance.]


Repeat purchase. The gliders love the HPW and it’s great value. -Amanda I.